
Install command:
brew install hdf5

Also known as: hdf5@1.14

File format designed to store large amounts of data


License: BSD-3-Clause

Formula JSON API: /api/formula/hdf5.json

Formula code: hdf5.rb on GitHub

Bottle (binary package) installation support provided for:

Apple Silicon sonoma
Intel sonoma
64-bit linux

Current versions:

stable 1.14.3

Other versions:

hdf5@1.10 1.10.11 File format designed to store large amounts of data
hdf5@1.8 1.8.23 File format designed to store large amounts of data

Revision: 1

Depends on:

gcc 13.2.0 GNU compiler collection
libaec 1.1.3 Adaptive Entropy Coding implementing Golomb-Rice algorithm
pkg-config 0.29.2 Manage compile and link flags for libraries

Depends on when building from source:

cmake 3.29.2 Cross-platform make

Conflicts with: hdf5-mpi


Installs (30 days)
hdf5 24,247
hdf5 --HEAD 28
Installs on Request (30 days)
hdf5 13,558
hdf5 --HEAD 28
Build Errors (30 days)
hdf5 25
Installs (90 days)
hdf5 51,101
hdf5 --HEAD 47
Installs on Request (90 days)
hdf5 26,891
hdf5 --HEAD 47
Installs (365 days)
hdf5 223,088
hdf5 --HEAD 172
Installs on Request (365 days)
hdf5 114,986
hdf5 --HEAD 171
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