
Install command:
brew install libgit2

Also known as: libgit2@1.7

C library of Git core methods that is re-entrant and linkable

License: GPL-2.0-only with GCC-exception-2.0

Formula JSON API: /api/formula/libgit2.json

Formula code: libgit2.rb on GitHub

Bottle (binary package) installation support provided for:

Apple Silicon sonoma
Intel sonoma
64-bit linux

Current versions:

stable 1.7.2
head ⚡️ HEAD

Other versions:

libgit2@1.6 1.6.5 C library of Git core methods that is re-entrant and linkable
libgit2@1.5 1.5.2 C library of Git core methods that is re-entrant and linkable

Depends on:

libssh2 1.11.0 C library implementing the SSH2 protocol
openssl@3 3.3.0 Cryptography and SSL/TLS Toolkit

Depends on when building from source:

cmake 3.29.3 Cross-platform make
pkg-config 0.29.2 Manage compile and link flags for libraries


Installs (30 days)
libgit2 20,279
Installs on Request (30 days)
libgit2 1,347
Build Errors (30 days)
libgit2 16
Installs (90 days)
libgit2 66,774
libgit2 --HEAD 11
Installs on Request (90 days)
libgit2 5,773
libgit2 --HEAD 11
Installs (365 days)
libgit2 207,868
libgit2 --HEAD 49
Installs on Request (365 days)
libgit2 25,896
libgit2 --HEAD 49
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