
Install command:
brew install gnuplot

Also known as: gnuplot@6

Command-driven, interactive function plotting

License: gnuplot

Formula JSON API: /api/formula/gnuplot.json

Formula code: gnuplot.rb on GitHub

Bottle (binary package) installation support provided for:

Apple Silicon sonoma
Intel sonoma
64-bit linux

Current versions:

stable 6.0.0
head ⚡️ HEAD

Other versions:

gnuplot@4 4.6.7 Command-driven, interactive function plotting

Depends on:

gd 2.3.3 Graphics library to dynamically manipulate images
libcerf 2.4 Numeric library for complex error functions
lua 5.4.6 Powerful, lightweight programming language
pango 1.52.2 Framework for layout and rendering of i18n text
qt 6.7.0 Cross-platform application and UI framework
readline 8.2.10 Library for command-line editing

Depends on when building from source:

gnu-sed 4.9 GNU implementation of the famous stream editor
pkg-config 0.29.2 Manage compile and link flags for libraries


Installs (30 days)
gnuplot 3,579
gnuplot --HEAD 4
Installs on Request (30 days)
gnuplot 3,020
gnuplot --HEAD 4
Build Errors (30 days)
gnuplot 1
Installs (90 days)
gnuplot 13,017
gnuplot --HEAD 13
Installs on Request (90 days)
gnuplot 10,920
gnuplot --HEAD 12
Installs (365 days)
gnuplot 87,398
gnuplot --HEAD 158
Installs on Request (365 days)
gnuplot 73,742
gnuplot --HEAD 157
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