
Install command:
brew install prometheus

Service monitoring system and time series database

License: Apache-2.0

Formula JSON API: /api/formula/prometheus.json

Formula code: prometheus.rb on GitHub

Bottle (binary package) installation support provided for:

Apple Silicon sonoma
Intel sonoma
64-bit linux

Current versions:

stable 2.51.2

Depends on when building from source:

gnu-tar 1.35 GNU version of the tar archiving utility
go 1.22.2 Open source programming language to build simple/reliable/efficient software
node 22.0.0 Platform built on V8 to build network applications
yarn 1.22.22 JavaScript package manager
When run from `brew services`, `prometheus` is run from
`prometheus_brew_services` and uses the flags in:


Installs (30 days)
prometheus 1,721
prometheus --HEAD 7
Installs on Request (30 days)
prometheus 1,720
prometheus --HEAD 7
Build Errors (30 days)
prometheus 3
Installs (90 days)
prometheus 4,704
prometheus --HEAD 8
Installs on Request (90 days)
prometheus 4,703
prometheus --HEAD 8
Installs (365 days)
prometheus 15,808
prometheus --HEAD 31
Installs on Request (365 days)
prometheus 15,806
prometheus --HEAD 31
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