
Install command:
brew install tracker

Library and daemon that is an efficient search engine and triplestore

License: LGPL-2.1-or-later and GPL-2.0-or-later

Formula JSON API: /api/formula/tracker.json

Formula code: tracker.rb on GitHub

Bottle (binary package) installation support provided for:

Apple Silicon sonoma
Intel sonoma
64-bit linux

Current versions:

stable 3.6.0

Revision: 1

Depends on:

dbus 1.14.10 Message bus system, providing inter-application communication
glib 2.80.4 Core application library for C
icu4c 74.2 C/C++ and Java libraries for Unicode and globalization
json-glib 1.8.0 Library for JSON, based on GLib
libsoup 3.4.4 HTTP client/server library for GNOME
sqlite 3.46.0 Command-line interface for SQLite

Depends on when building from source:

gobject-introspection 1.80.1 Generate introspection data for GObject libraries
meson 1.5.0 Fast and user friendly build system
ninja 1.12.1 Small build system for use with gyp or CMake
pkg-config 0.29.2 Manage compile and link flags for libraries
pygobject3 3.48.2 GNOME Python bindings (based on GObject Introspection)
vala 0.56.17 Compiler for the GObject type system


Installs (30 days)
tracker 60
Installs on Request (30 days)
tracker 60
Build Errors (30 days)
tracker 0
Installs (90 days)
tracker 214
Installs on Request (90 days)
tracker 214
Installs (365 days)
tracker 1,147
tracker --HEAD 1
Installs on Request (365 days)
tracker 1,147
tracker --HEAD 1
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